Guns with gold inlay or scene work can easily involve several hundred hours.
Full coverage guns start at around $8000. In general my work starts at around $3000 for a full size pistol with 1/3 coverage. Each of my engravings is a unique piece of artwork designed to fit the item it's applied to. Unlike laser etching, which is considered as the 'poster' of engraving, All work is painstakingly cut by hand.
As with most fine art, good work takes time. Hand engraving is simply art applied to a steel canvas rather than oil paints applied to linen. Keep in mind that you are essentially investing in a piece of art designed and cut by me, and not merely decorating a gun. If not I can usually design something to fit your budget. I can then look at the project and determine whether your budget and expectations are in line. Next pick some photos of engravings you like from the internet or books. I tell most clients to decide on a budget first. All of these will come into play in determining the price of the job. Type of scroll, background treatment, type of metal on the gun, precious metal inlays, finish, metal prep etc. Email project ideas When it comes to engraving a firearm, there are a number of factors that will affect the price of the project.